kids kicking a soccer ball


The Beautification Grant Fund is for each District in East Hants to support non-profit community based beautification & enhancement projects.

Approved Projects:

  • Grass cutting/mowing
  • Brush cutting
  • Landscaping
  • Planting of shrubs/trees/flowers
  • Signage
  • Garbage clean up
  • Other uses under the intent of community beautification/enhancement, determined by the district Councillor

To apply for this grant, please contact your District Councillor.

Community Beautification/Enhancement Grant Policy

The Municipality of East Hants supports not-for-profit organizations through the Community Grant Program.

Community Grants are assessed under the following categories:

  • New Recreation Initiatives Grant
  • Recreation Operating Grant
  • Recreation Programming Grant
  • Event Hosting Grant

Deadline: Applications are considered on an as received basis.

Community Grant Policy

Community Grant Application

Post Grant Report Form

The Community Partnership Fund provides multi-year funding to non-profit community organizations during their infancy to give them the opportunity to build capacity and assist with core organizational and administrative costs. This includes salaries of full-time staff, facilities, equipment, communications and the direct expenses of day-to-day work.

Applications are restricted to non-profit community based organizations providing a socially inclusive universal program or service to the Municipal community and those eligible for funding under the Municipal Government Act.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Organizations cannot be “grandfathered.” Previous funding does not guarantee future funding
  • An organization has to be a registered charity or a non-profit organization governed by a community-based volunteer Board of Directors eligible for grant funding pursuant to ss.65 (au) of the Municipal Government Act
  • Organization is providing a socially inclusive universal service/program to residents of East Hants that is in line with the Municipality’s strategic objectives and vision. The applicant must identify the specific benefit(s) and outcome(s) that demonstrates this strategic alignment
  • Organization cannot be a Sporting Association or Club
  • Cannot be a group supported by a larger provincial or national governing body, such as: Girl Guides of Canada, Canadian Cancer Society, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), Cadet organizations, Church organizations
  • The organization cannot be a Community Hall Association that exists to operate and maintain a community specific facility(ies).
  • The organization must demonstrate fiscal responsibility and show financial need
  • The organization must accept the evaluation and reporting requirements if awarded a grant

Community Partnership Fund Policy

Community Partnership Fund Application Form 

The District Recreation fund is available to assist with completing projects that support the maintenance and enhancements of community organizations.

District Recreation Funds are designated for:

  • Trail, park and playground development
  • Indoor and outdoor sport and recreation facilities
  • Community halls and recreation centers
  • Improvements to facility grounds
  • Maintenance Equipment (lawn mowers)
  • Life-Cycle analysis and needs assessments
  • Emergency Repairs at Council’s discretion

Application Deadlines: January 31 & April 30  – Applicants are encouraged to apply by January 31 as funds in this program are limited.

District Recreation Fund Policy

In-Kind Tracking

Final Report Form DRF

Community Development Coordinator

The Municipality provides four types of general government grants:

  • Use of space at municipally owned facilities by non-profit organizations
  • School Bursaries under the Dr. James T. Snow Bursary Program
  • Grants to organizations whose mandates support the delivery of municipal services (written application required)
  • Grants to non-profit organizations who meet the eligibility criteria set out in the General Government Grants Policy (written application required)

Eligibility Criteria

  • Program/Service Obligation: supports a service delivered by the Municipality
  • Public Need/Benefit: service or program is broad based and all residents will derive a benefit versus special interest group needs and benefit to specific residents
  • Financial Need: application demonstrates financial need and identifies all other grants and fundraising activities. Copies of most recent financial statements and the current year’s budget should accompany the request
  • Quality of Life: service or program enhances the quality of life of residents. Applications received prior to March 31 in any given year will be given priority. Applications received after March 31 will be considered only if there are funds available

To apply for a grant under this program fill out the General Grant Intake Form

General Government Grant Policy

The Heritage Property Incentive Program was introduced in 2016 and helps heritage property owners complete improvements to the exterior of their buildings including the replacement of roof shingle, windows and exterior painting.

Eligibility Criteria 

  • Municipally-registered heritage properties and properties located in the Maitland Heritage Conservation District are eligible for the program
  • The incentive covers 50% of the cost of repairs or renovations (exclusive of HST) to the exterior of the building up to a maximum of $5,000 per property. Funding availability is subject to the capacity of the budget for this program
  • In addition to work to the exterior of the building, work that is necessary to ensure the long term viability of a structure (repairs to the foundation, beams or trusses, or repairs to address significant storm water infiltration problems) may be considered
  • Architectural, engineering and other consulting fees are eligible for funding (consultants may have to supply proof of professional qualifications to the Municipality)

Heritage Incentive Grant Policy

Download the Application Form 

Rachel Gilbert
902-883-7098 ext 122

This grant provides one-time financial assistance to organizations who are hosting a significant or special event that is open to the public and has a positive impact on tourism, community or economic development.

Major Special Event Grant Policy

Tourism & Event Supervisor

The Municipality of East Hants recognizes the importance and value of not-for-profit, community-based organizations. These organizations provide opportunities and services that benefit East Hants Residents contributing to building a strong community.

The purpose of the Not-for-Profit Insurance Grant Policy is to:

  1. Support not-for-profit organizations benefiting East Hants that require financial assistance to acquire insurance.
  2. Encourage organizations to carry the appropriate insurance coverage.

Applications may be submitted at any time and will be considered on an “as received” basis.

Information Sheet

Application Form

Report Form

Not-For-Profit Insurance Grant Policy

This program supports non-profit tourism operators and is approved annually by Council. It is available to non-profit community-based organizations that run a tourism attraction or facility with the goal of attracting visitors from local, regional, national and international markets.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applications are accepted on an annual basis by February 28. Applications received after February 28 each year may be considered if funds are still available
  • Successful applicants receive funding by the start of each summer. They are also required to submit a final report by November 15 each year.
  • Applications are assessed on merit and need

Tourism Grant Application Form

Tourism Grant Policy

Final Grant Report

For more information, contact the Parks, Recreation & Culture Director, or call 902-883-3387.

Each year, the Municipality provides financial support to the 13 fire departments who provide service within our boundaries. The primary source of funding is operating levies charged through the property tax bill. For more urban departments, these range from $0.12 to $0.17 per $100 of assessment and for smaller rural departments that have significantly less assessment to draw from, the rates are $0.21/$100 of assessment, with the exception of Rawdon Fire who in 2018/2019 raised the rate to $0.22/$100 to fund much needed infrastructure.

In 2015, Council passed a motion that the smaller department rates will be budgeted with a 1¢ increase until the year 2019/2020; this will ensure these departments have funding for the equipment and infrastructure required. Through the Fire Department Funding Policy, Council pays operating grants to the smaller, more rural departments.

Questions? Reach out!