Explore the information below to learn more about the Committees of Council and their mandates.
The Audit Committee is made up of the Warden, the Chairperson of the Corporate & Residential Services Committee, two Councillors and a member of the public that is appointed by Council for a two-year term.
The Committee assists Council in fulfilling the responsibilities outlined in the Municipal Government Act, related to the integrity and quality of financial reporting. The Audit Committee assures fair presentation of the financial position and results of operations of the Municipality of East Hants in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, and ensures that appropriate systems and controls are maintained for the proper recording of transactions and protection of assets.
The Fire Advisory Committee consists of five Councillors appointed by Council, three fire fighter representatives from the fire service, appointed by Council (one representative from the rural area, one representative from the urban area and third member undesignated) and the Chairperson of the East Hants Fire Service Association.
The Committee facilitates and encourages development and funding of Volunteer Fire Departments in response to expressed community interest. The Committee can report to and make recommendations to Council with respect to fire service in East Hants.
The Source Water Protection Committee consists of one Councillor to serve as Chair, one member of Council to serve as Vice-Chair, one customer of the Water Utility within the Regional Water Supply System, one customer of the Water Utility within the Shubenacadie Aquifer Water Supply System, one representative from Shubenacadie Watershed Environmental Protection Society (or an equivalent association as determined by the East Hants Nominating Committee), one representative working in the Agricultural sector (farming community) within East Hants and has a stake in the water supply and one resident living within the East Hants portions of the Near Zone of the Grand Lake watershed.
The Committee make recommendations to Council on water protection matters.
Interested in joining the Source Water Protection Committee? Email water@easthants.ca with your name and which of the above roles you qualify to fill and someone will be in touch!
This committee is currently seeking members! Apply to join the Police Advisory Committee now.
The Police Advisory Committee consists of three voting members of the public appointed by Council serving three-year terms (preferably
one representative from the rural area, one representative from the urban area and a third member undesignated), one voting member of the public appointed by the Province serving a three-year term and all members of Council serving the four-year term.
The Committee provides advice to Council in relation to law enforcement, the maintenance of law and order and the prevention of crime in
the Municipality. The Committee may also make recommendations to Council.
This Committee does not exercise jurisdiction relating to complaints, discipline, personnel conduct or the internal management of the RCMP.
The Agricultural Advisory Committee consists of two Councillors, one member appointed by the Federation of Agriculture, one member appointed by Nova Scotia Agriculture, two farmers in East Hants appointed by Council and three citizens-at-large appointed by Council.
The Committee is set up to provide a forum for information, issues and concerns relating to the East Hants agricultural industry. The committee will make recommendations to the East Hants Planning Advisory Committee requested.
The Accessibility Advisory Committee is made up of five public members and two Councillors.
The Committee provides advice to Council on identifying, preventing and eliminating barriers to people with disabilities in municipal programs, services, initiatives and facilities. The Committee plays a role in helping the municipality become a barrier‐free community and ensuring obligations under An Act Respecting Accessibility in Nova Scotia (2017) are met.
The Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) is made up of two public members – Sam Balcom and Candace Stephens and all of Municipal Council.
The Committee provides direction for Council regarding Planning & Development decisions. The meetings are held monthly during the Executive Committee Meetings each month in Council Chambers and open to the public.