aerial shot of the highways in elmsdale


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    Bylaw Enforcement

    East Hants’ Bylaw Enforcement Division is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Municipality’s Bylaws. All information provided to the Municipality is subject to Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy legislation (FOIPOP) and legal disclosure. During the investigation, your information is kept confidential. However, if the matter proceeds to prosecution, all information relating to the investigation, including the identity of complainants and witnesses must be shared with the defense.

    Please note: An online or written complaint must be received prior to any action being taken. 

    Bylaw Complaint

    Download the Form

    Completed forms may be delivered to the Municipal Office Monday-Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm.

    Dangerous or Unsightly Premises

    The Municipal Government Act (MGA) requires that “every property in the municipality shall be maintained so as not to be dangerous or unsightly.” To report a dangerous or unsightly property you must submit a complaint form:

    Download the Form

    Completed forms may be delivered to the Municipal Office Monday-Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm.

    Illegal Dumping

    Report illegal dumping online.

    Dog Bylaw Complaint

    More information is available on Dog Control services.

    Lakeshore Development

    It is the responsibility of every East Hants lake front property owner to help keep our lakes healthy. Our lakes have long been enjoyed for their natural beauty and recreational opportunities. In order for future generations of East Hants residents to continue to enjoy our lakes, the riparian areas around the lakes need to be protected.

    East Hants has regulations that control development along the riparian areas of our lakes. The purpose of these regulations is to protect and enhance the lakeshores through the use of setbacks and restrictions on the removal of vegetation.

    Lakeshore Land Use Regulations

    The following regulations are applicable to lakeshore properties in the comprehensively zoned area of East Hants:

    A 30 m setback shall be required from the high water mark of all lakes and the nearest wall of any permanent structure. Where the 30 m setback cannot be met for existing structures and for existing undersized lots, due to topography, or the placement of an on-site disposal system, the setback may be reduced to no less than 15 m where all other requirements under the Land Use Bylaw are met. No significant alteration of topography, being the cutting or filling of more than 10% of the land area within the setback or 93 m2 of area within the setback.

    Natural vegetation within 10 m from the normal high water mark of any lake shoreline is to remain undisturbed except to allow for the construction of docks and boathouses. In addition, up to 35% of trees and underbrush may be removed to enable a filtered view of the lake.

    One boathouse per property up to 56 m2 in floor area is permitted for the storage of boats, watercraft like canoes and kayaks, and associated marine accessories and equipment.