TAKE NOTICE that a planning application has been received for the following proposal:
PLN24-004 Havenwood Drive, Shubenacadie from applicant RYC Property Ltd.
An application to amend the Official Community Plan to enable the extension of Havenwood Drive and the construction of 47 semi-detached structures for a total of 94 dwelling units. The application site is located at the end of Havenwood Drive, Shubenacadie and is identified as PID 45097227.
This is a preliminary notice intended to inform the public of consideration of the proposal. Approval by Municipal Council at a public hearing is required before the proposal may proceed.
For further information, please contact the Planning & Development Department at planning@easthants.ca or 902-883-3387 or visit easthants.ca/planning-applications.
John Woodford, Director of Planning & Development