…Land Use Bylaw amendments or Development Agreement applications. All Planning Applications Status All current on hold approved refused subject to NSUARB appeal awaiting decision by NS government withdrawn closed Sort Newest Oldest No Planning Applications were found. Loading… More Planning Applications Planning Applications Map View our planning applications map to see locations of proposed, completed and refused developments. View Map…
…Documents Uniacke Secondary Planning Strategy Project Scope Uniacke Secondary Planning Strategy Area Map Uniacke Secondary Planning Strategy Survey Results Uniacke Secondary Planning Strategy Commercial Lands Uniacke Secondary Plan Environment Report Uniacke Secondary Plan Parks Report Uniacke Secondary Plan Transportation Report Appendix A – USP Transportation Report Appendix B – USP Transportation Report Uniacke Secondary Plan Housing Report Appendix A –…
…12,000 Heritage Interpretation (implementation) 1allowance 20,000 20,000 20,000 Subtotal 2,653,000 1,099,000 888,000 666,000 Design & Contingency (25%) 663,250 274,750 222,000 166,500 Total 3,316,250 1,373,750 1,110,000 832,500 Total 31,096,06313,579,168.89,677,943.75 7,648,950 East Hants Village Cores Plan 595 Final&Report 60 Ekistics Planning & Design East Hants Village Cores Plan 615 Final&Report 62 Ekistics Planning & Design East Hants Village Cores Plan 635 Final&Report…
…55 Smartphone Applications Description New technologies that are now available through smartphone applications are a new form of media that is emerging for interpretation planning. Applications can provide tourists with a range of information about the place they are visiting, including directions to other destinations and information about nearby amenities. Applications can be designed to be interactive with the user…
…into resi- dential and subdivision design and develop- ment. 7 Comprehensive Planning Although the entire Municipality of East Hants has zon- ing, only part of it has comprehensive planning. The rural part of the Municipality has policies and regulatio ns re- garding wind energy development, but no other polici es within the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) pertai n to this…
…hearing complaints against carriers, and hearing applications for modification or discontinuance of service. The Board acts under the Motor Carrier Act and Regulations for purposes of public passenger transportation within the province. The applicant for a Motor Carrier License is typically the vehicle/fleet owner. Application is made to the Board via Form A – Application for Motor Carrier License and…
…validate findings and recommendations from the previously completed Transit Service Business Plan in 2015; Develop and present a detailed service plan, delivery plan and financial plan for the recommended transit service, including: routes, stops and assets; partnership opportunities and responsibilities with Community Rider; service contracting with Community Rider and third party maintenance providers; and an update to operating and capital…
…2. Provide the PAC policy regarding when to conduct pre-application presentations SCOPE The Director of Planning and Development administers the policy. The policy is applicable to all planning applications in accordance with the Municipal Government Act and the East Hants Municipal Planning Strategy. POLICY POLICY STATEMENT It shall be the policy of the Municipality of East Hants to allow for…
…to foster orderly and focused growth. 9. Enhance organizational efficiency and effectiveness. 10. Enhance commitment to environmental sustainability. East Hants Combined Municipal Planning Strategy The East Hants Combined Municipal Planning Strategy forms part of the East Hants Official Plan and was last amended in 2006. Municipality of East Hants Corridor Feasibility Study Final Report 111-26496 February 27, 2012 GENIVAR 3…
…applicant regarding completeness of application and necessity for certificate Within fifteen days of receiving an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness, the Heritage Officer shall inform the applicant whether or not the application is complete and whether or not a certificate is required pursuant to this Bylaw. Where the Heritage Officer is unable to determine whether the application conforms with…