PLN24-006 Convent Road, Enfield

This application is refused.


Convent Lane Townhouses Inc.


The application proposes to substantially amend an existing development agreement to increase the number of permitted dwelling units from 14 to 20 townhouse units. The applicant proposes increasing the number of dwelling units by dividing six, 2-storey dwelling units, located at the rear of the property, into upper and lower units; thereby creating six additional townhouse units. A housekeeping amendment to Section C6: Residential Development of the Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) is required to permit the substantial development agreement amendment to proceed.

Subject Property

The subject property is shown on the map to the right and is identified as PID 45077070, Convent Road, Enfield. The total area of the subject land is approximately 0.5 ha. The property is zoned Townhouse (R2-T) Zone. Property to the north and west are zoned Two Unit Residential (R2). Property to the south and east are zoned Village Core (VC). There are a variety of uses adjacent to the subject lands, including a municipal water tower, the E.H. Horne School Preservation Society, and land owned by the Corridor Community Options Society. The townhouse units are located on a named private drive (Rosary Lane), which is accessed over a private right-of-way easement (Covent Road) owned by the E.H. Horne School Preservation Society. Convent Road connects to Highway 2.


The purpose of this application is to substantially amend an existing development agreement to permit an increase in the number of dwelling units from 14 to 20 townhouse units. The applicant proposes increasing the number of dwelling units by dividing six, 2-storey dwelling units, located at the rear of the property, into upper and lower units; thereby creating six additional townhouse units. In order for a development agreement amendment to be considered, a housekeeping amendment to the Municipal Planning Strategy has to be completed simultaneously. A policy is required to be added to the Medium Density Residential Neighbourhood (MR) Designation that permits Council to consider development agreements in the Townhouse (R2-T) Zone. Items that Council will consider by development agreement have already been listed under the Townhouse (R2-T) Zone provisions; however, a policy was mistakenly never developed for the MPS to consider the following uses: -Townhouse developments larger than zone limits. -Institutional (IU) Zone uses that do not meet zone requirements. No new buildings are being proposed.

Reports & Documents


For further information, please contact Debbie Uloth, Community Planner II, at 902-883-3387 or