TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Municipality of East Hants will hold a Public Information Meeting regarding the following three matters:
Amendments to the Official Community Plan
East Hants Municipality is considering amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw to permit smaller mini-homes to be used as accessory dwelling units. The proposed changes would impact residential zones that permit single unit dwellings.
PLN24-003: Amendments to the Official Community Plan
Application from Talal Waeb to redesignate and rezone PID 45089349, PID 45089356 and a portion of PID 45089455, Highway 2, Lantz. The proposal is to change the designation from Established Residential Neighbourhood (ER) to the Medium Residential Neighbourhood (MR) and zone from the Two-Dwelling Unit Residential (R2) zone to the Multiple Unit Residential (R3) zone to enable the development of two (2) 24-unit residential buildings.
PLN24-012: Amendments to the Official Community Plan
The Shaw Group Limited has submitted an application to change the land use designation of a portion of lands identified as PID 45086980 from Industrial Commercial (IC) Designation to Medium Density Residential Neighbourhood (MR) Designation and to rezone the same portion of land from Industrial Commercial (IC) Zone to the Townhouse (R2-T) Zone. Changing the land use designation and zone would enable the applicant to apply for site plan approval for four (4), 8-unit stacked townhouse buildings. Access to the subject site is from Church Street. The application also requests changes to the stacked townhouse provisions.
The Public Information Meeting will take place at the Lloyd E. Matheson Centre, 15 Commerce Court, Elmsdale, on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at 6 p.m. In case of cancellation the meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.